Carol Ruiz Gandia, pianiste en docente

Carol was born in Barcelona (Spain). She began music studies in the Conservatory of Badalona at the age of 9 with Gloria Miquel. Later she become student from Nati Cubells and finished the Bachelor in Performance, Chamber music and Notation with the highest qualifications.

After obtaining her diploma she become student of Maria Fernanada Nuñez, important Argentinean pianist and pedagogue established in Brussels who introduced her to Alan Weis and motivated her to move to Utrecht to study the Bachelor in Hooghschool voor de Kusnten Utrehct (HKU) with the great American pianist. Carol Ruiz got the highest grades in her Bachelor and receamtly she finished her master of music diploma.

She had offered solo recitals around Spain, in several halls in Barcelona, Girona, Sitges, Benicarlo and Vinaros. She also joined chamber music concerts with Trio Faustus and Trio Montsalvatge. Currently she is member of the Piano Duo Piscis (with Lilian Vazquez) with which she has an active concert activity. Recenlty she become also member from the duo Tango Nights with the saxophonist Miriam Dirr, exploring toghether the tango style in several perfomances in Utrecht, Berlin and Cyprus.

She has taken several Mastercourses about piano performance, piano technique and piano pedagogy with great and important pianists like Nelson Goerner, Elsa Puppulo, Pietro de Maria, Josep MºColom, Suzanne Bradbury, Alexis Golovin, Karin Merle, Maria Rosa Oubiña de Castro, Sebastian Colombo, Claudio Martinez Menher and so on..

Carol Ruiz has also been interested in the pedagogical aspect of her instrument, and proef of it is 10 years of teaching experience. She has been piano teacher in several Music Schools in Barcelona, Vilassar de Mar and Corbera de Llobregat. After finishing her master in performance and research project in teaching skills (specially music reading) she is currently piano teacher and accompanist in Utrecht, Woerden and Bussum (Nederlands). Its important to mention her recent participation in a CD recording from the complete Chopin Nocturnes (14 pianisten spelen Chopin nocturnes) project from Excellent Recordings.

Alan Weiss wrote about her << [..]As her piano professor for the past several years at HKU, I can surely attest to her great learning and evolving powers of both musicianship and technique. Moreover, and most importantly, she has at the root of her musicality a harmonious personality and warm communication given to very few. Truly a 'blessed spirit' for music![...]>>

Marjan van Veldhoven van Gier (dramaturge verbonden aan de theater afdeling Artez Arnhem) wrote about Carol ...

<<[...] Ze is een uitstekende piano-pedagoog en musicus. Ik volg haar sinds zij in Nederland een lespraktijk heeft in Het Utrechtse. Ik heb leerlingen zich zien ontwikkelen van alle leftijden. Kinderen van 6, 7 jaar starten bij haar in de pianoles en waren na een jaar al enthousiaste pianistjes in de dop. Carol heeft hier de talent voor.
Ook pubers (mijn zoon in zijn zestiende bij haar op les gekomen ) weet ze enthousiast te krijgen in en zinvol muzikaal traject. Het is fantastisch wat hij in die enkele jaren heeft opgepakt! Ook volwassenen leerlingen zijn enthousiast over haar en gaan met plezier met sprongen vooruit. Elke leerling is anders en dat begrijpt Carol en handelt ernaar.
Ze is ook daarnaast ook actief als professioneel pianiste [...] Kortom Carol heeft als pianist veel talenten, werkt hard, heeft humor...[...]>>

Sebastian Colombo, professor at HKU and president from CEP (Centre for the Study of Piano) wrote about her ...[...]


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Alicita, J.Bastien

Tara, Naarden-Bussum 2009

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